Lachs Natural „Meeres“ – 230 g
Alan Rinderschinken erstklassiger Qualität, 325 g
Alan Geschmortes Kaninchenfleisch 338 g
Alan Jagdschinken Premiumqualität, 325 g
Schinken Alan Premiumqualität, 325 g
Schweinefleisch Aлан geschmort, 338 g
Pate Oniss beef 240 g
Bean marinado with mushrooms and vegetables in sauce, 410g
Pineapple RIO, in rings, 580 ml
Peas Veres, green, 200 g
Peaches in syrup, 820 g
Corn from Veres, 340 g
Veres red beans in tomato sauce, 400 g
Veres red beans, 400 g
Canned food from Akvamarin - cod liver 115 g
Krill meat (natural) from "Akvamarin" 100g
Tuna pieces in oil Homemade products 3 pieces × 80 g
Canned Aquamarine Grilled Sardines in Tomato Sauce 230g
Several in tomato sauce (blue) unprocessed brand "Aquamarine" 230 g
Sardines in natural aquamarine oil 230g